I Corinthians 7:17-34 (Part 34) Doctrine of "StatusQuo"
Doctrine of “status quo”
• Expressed by the word “abide”—vv. 20, 24: 1) Stop pursuing external change
• “Remain with God”-v. 24: 1) Externals do not need to be changed in order to walk with God; 2) Fellowship with the Lord is possible in all kinds of circumstances
• Do not lock in on remaining so tight that you cannot improve your circumstances, v. 21: 1) If you get a chance take it
Two major adjustments in 7:17-24: 1) To our earthly assignment—“distributed” (v. 17a); 2) To our heavenly calling—“called” (v. 17b)
Things to which the Christian is called:
1) To fellowship with Christ—I Cor. 1:9
2) To inner peace—Col. 3:15
3) To a relationship to the Holy Spirit and truth—2 Thess. 2:13-14
4) To eternal life—I Tim. 6:12
5) To walk in light (truth)—I Peter 2:9
6) To learn patience when we are wronged—I Peter 2:20-21
7) To confer blessing to inherit blessing--I Peter 3:9
8) To glorification—I Peter 5:10
Detailed adjustment
• A prohibition—v. 18
• An explanation of it—v. 19
• An exhortation—v. 20
• The exception—vv. 21-22: 1) Their condition; 2) Their attitude; 3) The opportunity; 4) The perspective
• The clarification—v. 23
• The reiteration—v. 24
*There should be no reason why one cannot express Christian character